Helping Your Business Build Success
Develop Your Path to Greater Products
Ideal Clocking translates into nearly all electronic devices starting up millions of times faster than they currently do, at orders of magnitude less jitter, and lower power, and at reduced development and material costs. Subsequently, Instantaneous Technologies offers quantifiably large benefits to all electronics communications.
Instantaneous Wireless (IW) translates into far more flexible and efficient radio frequency (RF) communication. Whole new applications, and vast improvements on existing wireless networks, now become possible via IW: quantum enhancements to communication, instantaneous inventorying, and two-way distancing.
The salient innovations offered lead to technically superior products resulting from decades of experience in analog IC design on high profile projects and products. Our focus is on helping your business achieve superior technical products and greater market share by utilizing Ideal Clocking and Instantaneous Wireless.
Professional Services
We offer flexibility and professionalism in consulting, defining and bring to fruition new products with superior performance which helps you achieve your business goals. Do you need help defining the next generation of compelling products? What about one-on-one consultation to bring your design goals to fruition? We’ve got that.
Amazing Results
Where do we deliver the most? In our client’s results. We have both the experience and talent to deliver successful silicon and innovative products to far surpass current products. Our clients are thus better positioned to compete with compelling and unmatched products.